Give the Gifts of Dignity, Empowerment and Community

Give a Tax-Deductible Donation Today
Forai is committed to providing dignity to our refugee and immigrant artisans through home-based income generation, empowerment through job skill training, and community through mentor relationships, classes and social gatherings.
Several times a month, women from Afghanistan, Syria, Nepal, and Burma come together in the Bevo Mill neighborhood to learn how to create jewelry and textiles.
Your donation keeps sewing classes free, teaches a newcomer English and computer literacy, provides a space for classes, training, and community-connection, brings our artisans products to market, and so much more! Give a gift to help Forai continue this mission.
Forai is a 501(c)3. Your donations are tax-deductible.
Circle of Hope
Like a sewing circle, Circle of Hope monthly givers come together to empower women with all the tools and materials they need to begin earning a fair wage as Forai artisans. By joining the Circle of Hope with a monthly donation of $15 or more, you are extending hope to more vulnerable women!
Stock Donations
We are using Stock Donator to receive donations of stock. They offer two options for donating stock, simply select Forai, Inc for the Organization Name:
Give By Check
In addition to giving securely online, you may send checks payable to Forai, Inc. 4200 Delor St. St. Louis, MO 63116